The Demon Inside Me

Bitter are the unrelenting toils of life This ache inside is like an unending strife This darkness inside me is growing too deep It sometimes awakens me from my sleep The anger I feel, I too often can't control Just sends me further, down this...

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The Dark City: A New Encounter

The Dark City: A New Encounter You hear absolutely nothing as you walk past the rocky landscape just past the exit from the crevice in the canyon. The sharp shale rocks and the huge boulders give an excellent cover for anyone if they so desire to use...

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Poem for a Friend

I just thought I'd reach out to a fellow fur in need I can relate, I know it hurts, but don't concede It can be rough, and at times, unbearable But that's why we're here, to turn the table Your friendly furs are here for you, to help you along...

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The Dark City: Canyon of Death

The Dark City: Canyon of Death You've been under the water for some time now; the walls of the city are very thick. You're almost to your limit when you finally see the light from the moon appear. You gasp for air as you come up for a breath, no...

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First Night on the Job

It's your first day as a security officer. You're excited, but not particularly happy about it being a night shift and the fact that your first job will be at an old abandanded plant. Your a big fellow, being a Texas raised equine, so when you saw the...

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The Dark City

The Dark City It's cold here. There's a never-ending chill in the air that pains you to the bone. There are no seasons anymore. Just the cold and the rain. It constantly rains here and, despite the freezing temperatures, it never snows. And if you...

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The Winterhoof Chronicles - Part 1

**Forbidden Forest** I had always wondered about the dangers my father warned me about. I'm speaking of the dangers inside the Everfree Forest. My father had ventured through when he was a young colt, but he never talked about it. Even when I asked...

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Zethorak the Demon Queen

Zethorak the Demon Queen Tonight, Patches caught me up on everything. We discussed, at length, a great deal about a demonpony queen named Zethorak and how--for the past 15 years--she'd been expanding her empire inside the everfree forest and that this...

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Children of the Night

**Children of the Night** I woke up and everything was shaking around me. I was laying down on my back in the bed of some kind of closed in carriage on a worn out mat and we were moving quite fast. As I came to, Patches came through the curtain from...

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