A Pit Bull Love Story (Part 4) A look into Victor's life as a gamer

Alright I'm actually going to be taking to you, the reader, in this one... mostly. Do you remember when I said I don't have friends well that's not true. But I didn't mention before because I don't actually know them in real life. And guess what! I'm a...

A Pit Bull Love Story Part 3

The question rang out through the empty house, it seemed like no one was here. But I didn't want to ask that question until I got an answer for the first one. He seemed shocked from me asking even though I kinda felt like he expected it. He broke the...

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A Pit Bull Love Story (Part 2)

It's been over a week and I still can't find that cat. I've started dreaming about him and his long tail and cute face. It's torture to me now really. "I have to find him" I said aloud reassuring myself. \*boooop\* the final bell rang out I bolted...

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A Pitbull Love Story (Part 1)

My life is normally a lonely one filled with isolation and reject. I guess the reason for this is because I'm a Pitbull and people expect me to bark and growl at them when ever they get near me. I'm not like that. I'm black and white with 75% of my...

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A Pitbull Love Story (Part 6)

Ugh... Where am I?" I looked up at the empty room around me. "What happened?" I said rubbing my head and realizing I'm in paw cuffs. "what the fuck?" I said looking down at the tattered blanket under me. I looked around the small room I was in seeing...

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A Lost Pit Part One

Victor stepped along the cold wet concrete in the rain trying to find a dry place to stay. It was close to midnight and he seemed to be the only one around. The young pup of only fourteen years old walked alone on the streets. As he walked he...

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