Skater Rat - Contest (Part 1)

The two rodents trotted up the smooth, fine concrete which lead to the upper most tier of the large park and recreational center. This play-haven located on the central west side of the city was constructed on three levels, the lowest of which was...

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Skater Rat - Tip

Rain water slithered down the large, sloping window overlooking the booth in which the two rodents sat. Ordinarily, Spencer's attempt at charity for Ely in the form of gifts were kind but misguided gestures. This time, however, the squirrel had given...

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Jamie's Appointment

Air escaped through a black nose, a point of sunlight which trickled in from the window reflecting off of Tim's sense of smell. Golden sights gleamed through his eyelids as they eased open to see the conscious world again, which...was still a bit...

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**Home** _Whimsical Squirrel_ Nobody was parked in the driveway, as expected. He was able to pull right in and get right on that familiar, curving path all the way up to the patio doors. It was just a dark blue SUV if you could even call it that,...

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Notes For Julius

Subject Name: Julius Aurmorn Age: 9 Grade: 5 Sex: M Species: Rabbit Julius was referred for counseling in response to his extremely quiet demeanor, lack of social skills, and high intelligence. Julius was advanced from 3rd grade to 4th grade...

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