Tail of a Twofer: A Eurofurence Special
This year at Eurofurence, I took part in a rather awesome writing panel run by [Lupestripe](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lupestripe), a round table forum where everyone brings something they have written (lasting no more than 10 mins), people take...
A Bump in the Night Special: Crossing Spots (Repost)
Tommy and Katie find themselves in a unique predicament, when they run into Bolt and Penny of Bolt™ fame. Or is it Bolt and Penny who run into the twins? Much fun, confusion and adventure is to be had, as the team all use their unique powers to escape...
Preview - A Bump In The Night Chapter 16 - Preview
My Eurofurence fund has taken several leaps ahead lately; go here to find out what that's all about: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/252855/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/252855/user), and please click here to donate:...