Forbidden Place - Fortunate Love
**Forbidden Place - Fortunate Love** You'd only have to open your eyes to know what a perfect day it was. The waves were gently lapping at the shore and sparkling in the unbroken rays of the sun's glow. Sand glistened across what felt like miles of...
Time For A Change Of Pace-Chapter 2-Strange feelings and even stranger occurences
Time For A Change Of Pace - Chapter 2: Strange feelings and even stranger occurrences It took a night of surprisingly easy sleep for Nate to process the events that had occurred previous day, the tingling sensation let by the bear admittedly helping...
Time For A Change Of Pace-Chapter 1: The Meeting Of New Friends
Time For A Change Of Pace - Chapter One: The Meeting Of New Friends Early June and the trees were rustling with the gentle summer breeze, each shift of the branches like heavy rain hitting metal sheets in the dead silence of night. That cooling wind...
Red's Interesting Day Part 2
Red's Interesting Day Part 2 After much thought Red decided to invite over his friends, after all more people was always more fun right? First though, he knew to go find his mom and make sure it was ok to have guests first. Finding her doing...
Red's Interesting Day Part 1
Red's Interesting Day Our story starts in the bedroom of a young spaniel puppy named Red. Red was a ten year old dog, with a beautiful crimson coat of fur from which his parents chose his name. The pup was around the average height for his age with...
Late Seasons Greetings
Hey everyone, long time no see. I just popped on to say merry christmas and happy new year to you all and to provide you with some news. Being as I have now lost my job, I may very well start producing stories again although I'm not entirely sure...