Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon

Bound into fact **The Tale of the Last Dragon.** Varry Preez Chapter One: _Your Captive_ Good evening children... Forgive my condescension, but I assure you, as it stands you are all much, much younger than I. A creature you have only seen...

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Boud into fact Chapter 2.

Chapter Two: _Coming of Age_ In my years I've grown to love different predictable traits of you humans. I've watched in dark corners as you beat each other senseless over a shared lover. You rally in the streets for embarrassed...

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Long way to Indianna (Part 1)

"The Lost Map of the An-Ordis Dominion: A treasure lost to the ages of time. Now, I'm sure you all have heard these stories before; a lost civilization, half-destroyed, left inthe drain and desperately hidden by the last people who ever saw it blossom....

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Protect and Serve.txt

"Way way back;...ok, about 2 years ago, down on the 23rd precinct of Proteus Town, on the corner of 5th and Main sits the Proteus Police department in all its glory. A large, beautiful building of 3 stories, representing everything that is right in the...

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All in the family.txt

Few people know the feeling one gets when a gun is cocked less than a foot from their head. Even fewer love that feeling. I love that feeling Kouga loved that feeling. A one on one staring contest with a barrel that seems to go on for miles. It seems...

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Herbal Essences

"Yourka Bekkers!" Judge Stone's voice rang out. "For illegal possession, dealing, and ingesting of Marijuana, and this being the 10th , TENTH! Time you have been brought before this court on this charge, I sentence you to Fourteen months community...

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Raining on patchwork hearts

It's really hot outside, when I go, so it takes me by surprise when the rain comes and I am stuck in something brisk, even more-so when it begins to storm and I am lost in the city. I don't mind the rain so much anymore, it's quite common these days,...

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