Excerpt from Gargul (part 2)
It is early evening as you stop by a farm along the road, asking how much further it is to your destination - the city of Wiss. As far from the war as possible. Recieving word that your goal is no further than 4 hours walk from there, you decide to...
Excerpt from Gargul (part 1)
The Four Stags was a large house; by the looks of it a small farming house that by time had expanded room by room, and was now 2 stories high with lots of small tower-like projections and balconies. The outer walls on the ground floor were made of...
Excerpts from Dragonbane
And the sword sank into David's flesh, and a scream of a thousand griefs, sorrow and betrayal let out. The blade sank even deeper, and his eyes met the ones of his bane. "Im sorry I hurt you. I am really sorry." His eyes turned blank as the last piece...
Too Close to Home
**Warning:**** S ****upernatural horror, demonic possession.** [Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.] **TOO CLOSE TO HOME** Valerie...