
The bridge, contrary to the depictions in many a science fiction, was neither situated at the fore end of the ship, nor was it particularly large. Indeed, the predictions of 'submarines in space' was surprisingly accurate. It was not dark,...

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Welcome Aboard

Whilst he had undergone the training, like any respectable young officer, and indeed he'd passed. Perhaps not in the upper percentile. But he had passed all the same. And that was what mattered to the queerly coloured kangaroo. Decked out, in the...

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Another Cold Day

It was cold, even though Liam knew that space was a good insulator and keeping things cool was a problem (hence the retractable fins on vessels). But try telling that to the chill in his bones, to the aches and the pains. _In those immortal words....

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A Jump To The Left

It was a hot day, on the heavy gravity of Earth, on Afghanistan. A place so very hot. Rather opressivly so. Ironic of course, considering that Liam was himself from what would be accuratly called a 'Desert World'. Ah, but Mars had a lower gravity and...

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I Need A Hero

The harsh lights of the lab lamps pierced him, warm and uncompromising, bathing the Imaja, casting a sheen off his leathery form, showing the multitudes of equipment stuck into him, monitoring his condition, to the scientists, watching the...

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