Part 7
Austin stared at the keypad in disbelief. Whatever transaction was going on warranted security measures beyond a group of thugs. He smiled to himself, the effects of the drugs let his brain work at full mental capacity. Working his claws around the...
Part 5
The large warehouse loomed overhead as Austin stepped out of his car. Well, he called it his car, but it was mostly stolen. The decaying building sat on the outskirts of the city, well away from any sort of modern civilization. He double checked the...
Part 4
The odd pair left the dimly lit bar behind them. They walked in silence for a few moments, wondering how best to proceed. "So, Mr. Silver," the taller began, "what do you think of violence?" It took a moment for a reply, "I try to minimize the...
Part 3
Austin turned his back on his friend's jeep. Now wasn't the time for heartfelt goodbyes or last minute good-lucks. He stepped over the smashed gate of the impound lot and walked over to his car a few rows back. A DMC-12 responded with the button on his...
Part 2
Atlas opened the door of the dingy motel with the intent to slip way quietly. Austin had other ideas. The rapid sound of gunfire and breaking glass met the fox's ears as he turned to see his friend blowing holes through everything inside the room. A...
Part 1
The small town carnival was in full swing as the wolf stepped out of the woods. He laughed to himself softly as his eyes fell on a Buick Roadmaster sitting alone at the edge of the lot. Easy pickings. Hopping the fence and ducking down out of sight, he...
"What's the scoop?" "He's gone." "What do you mean he's gone?" "He drove off a cliff and died." "Suicide?" "Most likely." The investigator tapped his pen on the desktop. "That certainly makes it harder to solve these multiple homicides." His...