The hack: Chapter 13 (Trent) Final
'Remind me to use the tazer on Kit' I said as I was furious at Kit for making Aron kiss another boy. 'I think you need to calm down' Scient said nervously. 'Maybe we should just let it pass, besides today is...
The hack: Chapter 12 (Aron)
'It's finally going to be over' I told myself as my father will finally be exposed and I will not have to worry about it anymore. I cuddled with Trent and went to sleep as it will all be over tomorrow. I woke up to the sound of Kit trying...
The hack: Chapter 11 (Trent)
'For the last time, tomatoes are fruits' I told Sine as she we were arguing on wether tomatoes are a vegetable or fruit. 'No they aren't, they don't taste like fruits' she argued back. 'A fruit is a part of a plant that was once the ovaries of a...
The hack: Chapter 10 (Kit)
"Another day another person to hack" I said as I made my way to school and pulled out my phone to get ready the DOX attack I have planned and went onto my TOR browser and signed into Vimeo to upload the video we have recorded which had...
Chapter 3: To erase
With Trent... "Is the malware ready yet?" Arron asked. "Almost, I just need to convert it to an executable with Pyinstaller," Trent said as he booted into Debian which was what the servers would most likely run. He then opened terminal and typed in...
Chapter 2: Warning
"Hello Mr Zhang," Jake said as he shaked his hand, Zhang was a red panda who was wearing a dark blue suit and a grey tie. Everyone sat down while Jake began to start the presentation. "As we all know, the security of the Citadel is adequate for most...
Chapter 4: Sudo
"Look, we know that you are one of the Tsociety hackers, just tell us what you know and we can grant you protection," Daren the polar bear said. "I invoke my fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination and respectfully decline the answer to...
Chapter 1: Access granted
Six years after the hack of Furon... "Remind me again on why we are going to Nevada when we could be enjoying a Christmas with snow?" Kit asked. "Because we booked a tour of the largest data centre in the world called The Citadel and that Jake got a...
Anthony Dren
Profile: Anthony Dren skillset: WiFi cracking, Bluetooth hacking, cryptography, web scraping age: 16 Height: 5 2' Gender: M Sextuality: Hetero Species: brown bear Danger level: 6, has the ability to easily hack wifi networks and is a danger,...
The hack: Chapter 11 (Trent)
'For the last time, tomatoes are fruits' I told Sine as she we were arguing on wether tomatoes are a vegetable or fruit. 'No they aren't, they don't taste like fruits' she argued back. 'A fruit is a part of a plant that was once the ovaries of a...
Vanessa Hector Schmit
Profile: Vanessa Hector Schmit Skillset: Jujitsu, Metasploit framework use, cooking, Judo age: 28 Height: 5 10" Gender: F Sextuality: Pansextual species: Grey cat danger level: 6, does not know much about hacking and can only use metasploit...
The hack: Chapter 10 (Trent)
'For the last time, tomatoes are fruits' I told Sine as she we were arguing on wether tomatoes are a vegetable or fruit. 'No they aren't, they don't taste like fruits' she argued back. 'A fruit is a part of a plant that was once the ovaries of a...