The meet. -They are some other people living hier... Im go to them. Cant im? Im not look at somthing harmless. Thay cant kill me. But what if that is my only hope for better live... Im cant die only one time. So he go to the strangers. Not on the...
Hope. Somwher in center Europe the sun is rising. Everything wake up to new day. The plants turn they to the sun, predators try to catch somthing to eat and others animal try not die. In all this mess a single person live for two years. Whit no...
Begining. 21 december 2012. Maj said in that day the world gonna end. The are wrong. That is only begining. At 2 december Russian find new mineral that is big sorce of energy. Five grams can powe a large city. American fear that Russian use it in...
We need a hero...
Aga and Marcin walk to beautyful heath. Far away they see a great castle, Whit dragon sitting on top of the highest tower. Closer, over the river, a herd of unicorns rest in shadow of great oak. Of the second side of the river a few ferries lern how to...