Into The Mouths Of Madness

_Evil is often mistaken for an entity. An outside force, maleficent in nature, born out of hatred and contempt. A power that wishes to corrupt us, lead us astray from good._ _Yet we are all born with a true evil inside us. A monster inside our skin....

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Golding Incorporated

Making a difference. How could a sentence that short entail so much hard work? Be the change you want to see in the world. Easier said than done; only in the sense that it is a short-syllabic sentence. But Michael found there was truly nothing easy...

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Of Dungeons and Dragons

It often surprised Dean that some people could get so mad at him sometimes, especially if they got angry for no reason. This was mostly the case when Dean was playing online. Those people bothered him. It wasn't his fault that they sucked at shooter...

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Allistair the Oathbreaker (dragon TF)

Eight years have gone by ever since the young boy named Allistair has gone under servility for Lord Harriston. For a long and harsh eight years had he been Page in the house of Rownham, devouring all the precious words of advice his Lord had given to...

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