Mushroom Cave
"Tik Tiiiik, what's taking you so long!" The little kobold scurries up over the rocky outcropping of the glowshroom cavern. With a mushroom nestled into her crown, little Tikana can see perfectly well, even with her diminished eyesight. "C-coming,...
History Lesson - Little Tik Tik
Dragons are the most fascinating species to have ever graced this planet. I do not write these words simply because of my racial bias, nor because of the claim my people have in regards to kinship to these mighty wyrms. The truth of the matter is that...
History Lesson 9
Every kobold in the chamber bows before their new leader, but when Tikana looks down, smoke streaming out of her nostrils, she sees Tik Tik and scowls, before she looks to the rest of her subjects and proclaims. "For too long, the Dragon's Heir tribe...
History Lesson - Coming of Age
"Hey, Tikana--oops, your majesty." Tik Tik says, slumping back against the wall. "Shouldn't you be training?" Tikana rolls her eyes and pops out of the hole, landing next to Tik Tik and shutting off her light. "I slipped out. Easy enough to do...
Fairy in the Moonlight
The sliver of a crescent moon brings scant light to the forest floor. Two men in hooded leather armor with their mouths covered in bandit masks make their way silently through the darkened woods. Their bows are ready to be drawn at a moment's notice....
Jesters Chapter 2
I return her bow with a flourish of my own, and that's when I heard a sound I never will forget. A moment as I look away from my partner, a scream the likes of which I had only heard in my nightmares erupts from her direction. I stumble in my bow, but...
Jesters Chapter 1
**There was a time where the biggest thing anyone had to worry about was the ravenous god buried deep inside of the planet. And even then, the good people of Golarion had much more pressing issues to deal with: revolution, alien influence, ancient...