Chapter 79 I Will Find You Again
I Will Find You Again Chapter 79 Etienne saw Azrian run to him, as behind her, the dogs remained on their knees, worshipping and praying, whispering and in awe. He tried to sit up as Azrian knelt beside him. The wound was still bleeding from his...
Chapter 77 New Tricks
New Tricks Chapter 77 Azrian flew against the stars, her red tail flowing smoothly behind her. Hildrith'el had given her clothing before she departed: a long white gown, sleeveless, with a white hood she kept pulled over her mane. Her red wings...
Chapter 76 The Return
The Return Chapter 76 Etienne couldn't sleep. Crawley hadn't been back in such a long time. He sent Kesuk and Reed to find Crawley, thinking that maybe those mastiffs down at the bar had recognized him and perhaps jumped him out in the alley. Reed...
Chapter 51 The Writing on the Wall
The Writing on the Wall Chapter 51 "I never thought it would come to this," Charles whispered. He was standing at the window, looking out at the distant fires that blazed against the stars. The duchy was already under attack. The foxes had come...
Chapter 49 The Visitor
The Visitor Chapter 49 Azrian sat in her cell, against the wall, watching through her remaining eye as the beautiful red vixen stood before her. The vixen was in the cell with her and had appeared out of no where when Azrian awoke. Azrian thought she...
Chapter 44 Unblind
Unblind Chapter 44 One morning, Azrian awoke, and Primus was no where to be found. And it was so completely unlike him not to be there when she awoke, that Azrian attempted to dress herself that morning with much trepidation. But she couldn't get...
Chapter 43 The Flame is Lit
The Flame is Lit Chapter 43 It had been six days since Echridge was beheaded. Azrian sat on the balcony of Donica's royal bedchamber, wrapped in a snug red housecoat. Her long red mane fell over one shoulder and on her finger was the wedding band...
Chapter 33 Red Like Wine
Red Like Wine Chapter 33 It took Corene a moment to realize she had been standing at the window in the corridor for far too long. But a black bird . . . . a black bird flew over the moon. And there was something very _. . . wrong_ about it. It wasn't...
Chapter 28 Imperfect Love
Imperfect Love Chapter 28 Charles inhaled the smelling salts with an unsteady paw, then put the stopper on the glass vial and slipped it in his housecoat. He had undressed and was ready for bed, but he couldn't sleep. It had been hours since the...
Chapter 18 A Love Like Fire
A Love Like Fire Chapter 18 "What happened?" Etienne begged. "What's the matter?" After he came inside Azrian, she scrambled off him and waded fast into the river, where she slapped herself frantically with water. It was as if he had the plague. She...
Chapter 13 Something Called Love
Something Called Love Chapter 13 Jonathan and Duke Richard spent most of the afternoon and part of the evening yelling at each other. The duke was furious that his son had been cast from yet another expensive school and yelled from behind his desk,...
Chapter 12 For Markus
For Markus Chapter 12 Corene knew exactly what Dr. Ellert had been so anxious to tell Etienne. Ellert, a stuffy Basset Hound with a wild flop of brown mane and tiny spectacles, had been in service of the crown since before Etienne could even speak,...