Tainted Flare: Chapter 1

It was two in the afternoon and I was sitting at my desk, looking through the blinds of my office window to the street below. So many people down there, going about their day, never knowing what truly goes on in this city. Yet, some do know what goes...

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The Journal: Chapter IV

Im soooo sorry about how late this is and this isnt even a fun chapter. Finals, comp broke, all sorta of stuff but Im back. You may want to re-read the first three chapters to understand the characters but this mainly focuses on Alex Dirge. Kinda some...

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The Journal: Chapter II

This is the first chapter where our coyote and lynx friends take a look into the journal and gleam some unknown information of their happy-go-lucky teacher. Chapter II: Entry One Andrew stared at the clock whit his bright blue eyes as...

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The Journal: Chapter I

Preface: This is a story of romance, experience, and understanding. It follows both a "present" time line and a "past" timeline. The past takes place withen a journal that the characters find and helps them to...

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