Writing Advice: What Makes You Write?
Writing Advice: What Makes You Write? Or, alternatively titled: Why Do You Want to Write? In thinking about the next bit of advice to follow up on my previous post talking about helpful tips to consider before you get down to the writing, I hit a...
To Your Own Defences
About 8000 words To Your Own Defences By Televassi They sat in the roundhouse watching the flames, waiting like the ancestors had done centuries before. "Do you think it's true, Artos?" Gwenhwyer sighed, poking the scrawny fox beside...
Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others
Writing Advice: Show, Tell, Adverbs and Others In the last couple of entries, I've covered a number of topics on the periphery of actual writing: things to consider before getting started to get in a productive space, examining motivation. It's...
Writing Advice: Before You Write
Writing Advice: Before You Write I've been mulling over the idea of doing a couple of writing tutorials lately, to share my experiences since I started writing a good decade ago now. Hopefully what follows here will be helpful to you; either providing...
The Song of the Slayer - Prologue
A honed pair of amber eyes glare out into the desolate night, scanning the few skeletal trees for any sign of movement. The sky is dark, with barely a prick of starlight to break the midnight veil, and across the haunted marches, nothing stirs. The...
Miklagard (Teaser)
By the Ese! The skalds told no tall tales - truly this was a sight worthy of the months of hard travel. Seven months along muddy trails, across rough-shod routes, down sheer gullies and through dense thickets. Even the sleek paved roads that crossed...