[Snippet] The Twilight Forest

"You're taking quite the chance, tiger," Liara said, absently twirling her staff. The panther sorceress shook her head, staring back into Thomas's determined, unwavering expression. "You're talking about fighting an entire kingdom." "I'll burn the...


The Dragon of Caldor IV [Part 1]

The repetitive drip of water had been keeping Lukai awake for hours. He was never really sure from where the sound was coming, and he was too exhausted to try and figure it out. His situation wasn't exactly optimal for investigation; the dark, musty...


Chapter 1: The Burden of Truth

_Every crime scene tells a story._ _That's what the movies all tell us. There's a whole mythology around police and crime and the investigation process... They tell us that everything is cause and effect, everything happens for a reason, every...

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