The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey
The freezing cold enveloped the peaks of the mountains. Shivering through their protective clothes, the travellers climbed through the snowy pass in the middle of a flurry, having spent most of the day reaching these heights. Among these travellers...
The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch2 - Survival
...Or so he thought. The impact when hitting the river was painful, but the cold water shocked his mind awake. His body was wracked with pain, but his instincts to survive kicked in, giving him the energy to swim back up to the surface. Caught in...
The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch4 - To seek a guide
Walking the roads once more, Tecwyn set his sights to the nearby mining town Orfe. Before he left, Rezyk had advised him to seek out a ranger that knew the lay of the land, and that there was one living in town. While he wasn't too keen travelling...
Space Pirate Bart
Alarms went off in the prison block to signal a new inmate arriving. Immediately, the hallways sprung to life with the prisoners looking out their cells to see which unlucky soul would join them this time. For some, it was a matter of wasting time,...
The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch3 - New encounters
The first thing Tecwyn noticed when he regained consciousness was the warmth. Unlike his last memories before fainting, he was surrounded by a comforting heat, though he wasn't yet able to discern where it came from before passing out. A few times he...
Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue
The smell of chalk filled Cedrick's nostrils as he entered the empty classroom. The blue dragon looked around the room, as this was the first time he was going to teach in this wing of the Pero'staj Academy for advanced learning. Compared to the more...