Thoughts on chaos and order
Just some ramblings I had whilst having a doodle. The following word salad may not make much sense. This is merely a bunch of thoughts and stream of consciousness I had and has no scientific or philosophical value. Thinking about the...
Who wants some emo poetry?
I haven't gotten around to drawing art for this one but I like tge symbolism so I wanted to share it --- Black dahlias blossom along these trails As so do my footsteps they will return again next year However I will not Fungus crawls...
A weird vent thing, probably will delete later
Tonight is one of those painful nights. Trying to hold back these tears that keep on flowing and flowing, choking on myself. I feel unbearably alone not even the distraction of deafening music helps tonight. It's always been hard to describe these...
The ambush
Originally thought of as just a myth or a cryptid or a myth, this creature is an ambush predator that pretends to be a corpse or roadkill in order to catch its prey by surprise and swallow it whole. They are opputunistic feeders that can sustain...
Ecology of Lycanthropes 2: Origins
Ecology of Lycanthropes: Origins Now that we discussed what Lycanthropes are there's probably a few questions you have. Let's start with where they came from. Each pack seems to have a different variation on how they came about but many seemingly...
Ecology of the Lycanthropes 1
The lycanthropes are humans who were given the ability to switch between humanity and a sort of beast form. Contrary to their name, the transformation isn't limited to a wolf. Everybody has their own unique transformation. You can only become a...
The wooded home
Taz moved to the country side a few years ago from a city. He bought a lot by a river, which was ch had plentiful shellfish and the soil was fertile. It was quite a switch from his crazy city life, with the cars buzzing around you, crowds in your way,...
The summary of the Gyetkti Floating Cattle by Professor Marlo Trotsky
Hello dear reader, I do hope this book finds you in good shape. I have been living on the planet of Gyetkti for several years now, in a village of about 20 citizens. The natives of the planet are a bit of an enigma themselves, being cephelopodiforms...