Terrenea: Descension War - Prologue
**Notes from a journal -** Calliope 17th, My name is Jason Hubert, Sergeant First Class of the Military of Joramar. I write this with the hope our story will not be forgotten. In all likelyhood, the inhabitants of Terrenea will be extinct by year's...
My Dreams are in Stories
-- My Dreams are in Stories -- My dreams become stories, all from my mind, Of dragons and wizards, each sword is drawn. Fantasy epics like no other kind. "Humble beginnings? Cliché!" I just whined! Make him a lizard of minimal brawn. My dreams...
-- Release -- My trembling fingers reach for the latch. Raccoons chitter and scratch From within the cage. The stream nearby trickles with glee As the leaves in the trees rustle greetings The raccoons have finally come of age. Once abandoned...
Uncomfortable Comfort
**Uncomfortable Comfort** The halls were cold, the walls were bare. Bleach stung the nose, but failed To mask the staleness of wrinkled flesh. The ticking of canes on the granite floor Echoed with the squeaking wheels of portable...
Fuzzy Form
**-- Fuzzy Form --** Unblinking eyes greet upon entry, The smirk - perpetual. The head sits alone, Its body hidden behind closet doors Until the time to don comes. A hood of black Creates shadows of gray. Its spear-tipped ears, and Long yet...