Borne above the ancient surf Which washes all the words away And cleans the shore of many thoughts 'Til only strongest clung remain, The statue sits alone in bronze- -cast, facing into the pressing gale. A wave of crash and slosh and...
12 Fairtale Close
I do love her. I know it's hard to believe when I'm sitting here and she's just standing there. My arms are on the sides of the ridge-backed chair, my body is warmed by the heat from the softly flickering fire behind the grate. I know it's hard to...
The Book of Sins, Chapter 2. The Mad-Dog
In the beginning, everything was dark. Save for the glow of the moon in the night, or the burning fire of the sun in the day there were no lights in our world. For millennia, our species existed In a dinural cycle of movement, camping down every night...
The Book of Sins, Chapter 1. Passion and Violence
If I'd lived a lifetime of happiness and fortune I would have died happy. I would have existed in a state of self-acceptance, I would have found beauty and harmony in all that I knew, and respected balance and justice in all things. I would have been...
The Wolf That Danced
The Wolf danced, his fur glowing in the strange darkness. Spotlights shone, revolving and crossing the dance floor, flowing like a river of light across the furs present there. A rainbow of colour filled the room, and as the Avian watched, the Wolf's...
Bird's Eye
"What'cha doing?" the young fox asked, peeking his nose over the top of the monitor screen. The older crow smiled, though only a little, masking a small degree of irritation with the love he felt for the fox. He didn't have to fake it. "Just a...
Jasper's Oddysee (B1)
Jasper set out on the path towards the Gate, the middle path. A gate meant escape, or so he rationalised. Perhaps it would be freedom, or at the very least a passage to somewhere a little more recognisable. He had a only just set out on the path,...
Jasper's Odyssey (S2)
The fire was warm and comfortable, which was more than Jasper could say for any of the three paths. He sat back down and stared into the flames, wondering what had gone wrong. Perhaps, he rationalized, he had hit his head; he had amnesia, and that's...
Jasper's Odyssey (C1)
The path to the farm was a verdant one, with vegetation of all kinds growing along the route. Vines and roots and shoots pocket-marked the path, and the stones were cracked and caving under years of pressure. Still they glowed brightly in the...
Jasper's odyssey (A1)
Jasper felt light as air as he stepped along the path. The cobbles beneath his feet barely made a sound as his feet found their way forward. He didn't know necessarily why he had chosen this path. Perhaps the beach was something he found fun - and so...
Cassi & Isaac
**Isaac** I had a fantasy about committing suicide again today. This time it was in my car, cruising down the endless roads, wind in my hair and the radio crackling with my favourite music. There was something in the middle of the road - a mass of...
It happened just east of the M25, I'd come off near Stifford, and it was late and I was hungry. I was just going to get some takeout, sit in my car and listen to the radio. That was all I wanted as I walked through the doors of the Maccies. It...