She Plays (Poem)

In the morning, she plays. The bow slides across the strings of the violin, sending crisp melodies through the air. Her soul leaps into the air, dancing upon light feet. At noon, she plays. She dances with a man. She did not know him,...

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Breaking Free

Sand danced in sunlight. The evening was silent as a tomb. The chain of a swinging bench creaked, breaking it for a time. She sat on her doorstep. Silence washed over her. Chores were done, and she was free to languish in her open prison, surrounded...

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The Woods

The night was hot and humid. There was a slight breeze, but it did little to alleviate the heat. She lay on her bed in the wagon, window open to let in what little air it could. She could hear the arguing outside. The booming loud, angry, drunk voice...

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