Death's Hand
The skies over the Bohai Sea... the sounds of high-powered jets pierces the calm skies, and, 50,000 feet up, a single black shape slices through the air like an assassin's knife through skin and tissue. The B-1R is alone, no escorts, no sisters, just...
The First Contact
I shook my head to clear it. This flight had been the most uneventful flight ever. Since the 23rd of July 1945, known as "Liberator Day" due to the 55 Liberators and their crews that never saw their roosts again, the skies over France had been eerily...
Paradigm Shift 2: Ignition
I watched intently as the thick trap door swung open slowly. It finally came to rest at a 90 degree angle, LED lights illuminating the ladder well down into whatever chambers lay beneath. I wondered how Gemm had electric lighting, but I also wondered...