Over you

I thought I was over you I truly did But then I saw you with her. The way you looked at her was the way you looked at me The way you spoke to her was the same way you would speak with me. What did she do different that made you love her more? The...

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She was a rainbow full of color vibrant and free Everywhere she went she spread her colors for everyone to see He was colorblind unable to see her beauty; She loved him even though he couldn't appreciate the colors she brought Slowly but surely the...

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You told me you cared for me You said you'd never leave me; Was that all lies? Did I really mean that little that you could walk away so easy? You said I was the reason you made it through the day But now it's her who's the reason. You said I...

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I'm drowning in sadness, my head below water watching everyone breathe. I'm panicking; gasping for breath, I need to breathe but it's impossible. Every time my head breaks above the water I'm just shoved back down. I try to swim, but I have weights...

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Pain, it's the only thing that keeps me sane, without it I'm nothing. The depression, the anxiety, it all fades away temporarily. All I ever feel anymore is pain, I see everyone around me happy, I envy there joy. I can't remember a time I haven't...

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I told you I was broken, you said it was alright that I would be fine. You promised to fix me; you said it would all be ok in the end. You stood by me when I felt like giving up, when all my hope was lost. I was as good as gone when you found me,...

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