Morning Walk

Morning Walk By MrSiriusLee It was dark. The sun hadn't even risen, the birds were still sleeping and yet there was already movement to be seen inside a certain house. A few movements from the kitchen to the living room, back and forth until finally...

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Lonely at the Top

Growing. Growing. And guess what? More growing. That had been the life the dragon had ever since that fateful day. Aside from the usual growth, he was ascending. He was also bulging bigger, becoming larger than he was a millisecond ago. Yeah, you...

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Love All Around

He opened his eyes, and all he could see was the expansive darkness all around him, littered with various specks of light that were dancing around him erratically. He had become familiar with such sights for quite a while now. It was his home, his own...

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Return to Form

"Haah, finally home." The dingo sighed as he entered his little, empty apartment. Rusty looked around with a bit of tired satisfaction before reaching out towards the light switch and flicked it on, illuminating the once dark house. The...

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