Little by little the heart quits. Little by little the mind decays. Little by little ones sanity is put to the test. Till nothing is left but a hollow shell. Forced to roam the endless expanse that is life. Looking for purpose to fill the...
How It Will Always Be
With the sight of death as far as the eye can see. The smell of blood permeates around me. Forgotten in a sea of lost souls and broken dreams. Lay the friends I once knew, there faces twisted, mangled, and scared. The horrors of war etched into...
The Price of Life
The price for living in this world is pain and sorrow. Etched into your very being by those around you. They may say that they care for you, but it is all lies. Speaking to you in caring voices, and yet full of hate. They may say lean on me if you...
Hidden Scales
**Hidden scales\<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /\>** Soaring above the bright blue sky Wings wide and head held high Crisp wind running through my scales Muscles rippling from head to tail The ground...