Burning City Chapter 1

Maximilian woke up freezing. He stretched out, and tried to put the nightmare he just had out of his mind. It was the burning city again. He quickly walked across the room to close the tent flap that he had foolishly not tied closed. Thankfully there...

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As with most children, he enjoyed playing many typical childhood games when he was a boy. However, there was a certain game that interested him more than any other. Everyday before going out onto the playground, he would steal a spoon from the...

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Jason's RadSuit made him look demonic. Granted, everyone who wore a RadSuit looked demonic. But Jason especially. His vibrant blue feathers were now covered by a deep black metal. His wings now looked like a collection of knives. His beak now ended...

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Dead End

The room had too many people in it. Marcus always hated crowds. People parted in front of him as he moved. The lone serpent in the room. He stopped next to Christine. The platinum fox was busy fidgeting with numerous buttons and touchscreens that he...

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She did a double take. She was dead. Something had gone wrong when her starship made the jump. She had ended up at a totally different planet that the one she had been going to, and the reactor had overloaded. Her entire body was irradiated. The blue...


Burning City Chapter 3

If it weren't for the dream he would have an entire week of trading to enjoy himself. And an entire week to prepare himself for making the final piece. The sword that would make him a blacksmith. Sadly for Max, he found Nja's suspicions to align with...

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Burning City Chapter 2

Max woke up with his face on the ground. Groggily, he lifted himself up. The ground was not the normal white of snow and ice, it was green. He gasped in surprise, and ran his hand against the ground. It felt like nothing he had ever felt before. He...

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