After Staying the Night

"Wowowow! Say what again!?" "Joey and I are dating," the large parrot repeated while the wolf he was allegedly dating sat next to him, his hands covering his blushing face. "Daf- Wha- No!" Raz, the equally large red dragon screamed indignated,...

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 3

His hand reached and grabbed another rock, holding it tightly. Adrenaline coursed through the otter's body, his glasses practically clouding from steam his own body seemed to emit. He didn't even know that was possible- It didn't seem possible,...

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Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

The lid opened and the hermetically sealed air came out of the jar along a piece of cardboard. In front of it, a pair of admiring and eager eyes marveled at the sight, a hint of anticipation getting brighter as the card was deposited into a pair of...

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 2

The day came around like a wave. The week was both, painfully slow to the point he had no idea if time was really running, and gone in the blink of an eye, leaving him an anxious mess. Up until now, Kramer felt like he had no idea what to do, and with...


Hot Date

"Would you like to see the menu, sir?" "What?" the dragon looked up, the septum bouncing from the sudden movement. Lost in his own little world, the waiter had slipped next to his table without him noticing. It was a tad embarrassing. "S-Sorry! No,...

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Birthday Standoff! Thunder VS Random

Thunder sighed as he left the school grounds, finally free of one more stressful day of learning. It's not like he particularly disliked going to class, but today was a different day. Yes, today was Thunder's birthday, a day you're told is meant to...

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Where Land Meets Water - Chapter 5

A drawn out sigh escaped the otter's lips, eyes glued to the nearest window, staring at the bright blue of the sky outside. The small diner was full of people for once, every single table taken by groups of varied size, their voices bouncing off the...

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