Clash of the Guardians IV

Walking along a dimly lit corridor, Rai had a few spare moments to ponder the situation that was quickly unfolding. A commander of the Guardians was escorting him and a rather interesting other fur back to their precious biometals. He would have to...

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Clash of the Guardians III

Rai awoke to the soft hum of machinery, clueless as to where he lay. Staring up at the lackluster white ceiling, he tried to recollect all of his recent memories of his journey; the happening across of the armor, a seemingly insurmountable number of...

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Clash of the Guardians II

_Chapter II of Clash of the Guardians. Please rate and comment, hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing!_ Rai stared into the buster cannon for a moment before rolling to the side through the inky water as the mysterious figure...

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Clash of the Guardians I

_I would briefly like to explain about my story before you begin reading. This is my -first- story, and while I have been showing it to others beforehand for various editing purposes, commenting and rating is highly appreciated. This is only the first...

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