The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Got to save the Earth by Raven Fox; The LSS Night wing flies to Earth to stop the LSS Nasal. The Nasal is parked over New York City using the city as a shield. The LSS Night being an older ship can't fly in the Earths...

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Lisa we want you back.

The adventures of Lisa the vixen: Lisa, we want you back By Raven Fox: Six months after the Earth incident. The LSS Night wing gets a new CO and Admiral Song retires. The new CO of the Night wing transfers Briggs to another ship and starts making...

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Fall of man dawn of a new age Chapter 6

? Fall of man Dawn of a new age Chapter 6 Joe tells a shrink his life story "Tell me, Mr. Marsh about yourself?" A black lab said looking at Joe. It's Monday around 12:15 in the afternoon. Dr. Frank, the shrink is one of the five left in...


Chapter 3 fall of man dawn of a new age Rewrite by Raven Fox

?This is chapter 3 of the rewrite, I am writing. John get's Joe to assist him, in looking for answers. To what happen, and they continue the grim task of cleaning up the mess. Shelly has a surprise for Joe at the end of the chapter. Fall of...

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