Tribal Legends [last] - Cold

## Tribal Legends ###### A suite of stories. Written down and translated by Sharpfang' 2001. You may copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed. Cold ==== The story of Sun. A tribal legend by Aris, translated and written down...

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Tribal Legends 1 - The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi ============================= The Story of World A...

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W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

# W.O.L.F. - Darwin Zones by Sharpfang '06 # Intro Mankind of the XXIV Century was very arrogant. They thought discovery of the extraterrestrial would change everything and allow them to achieve whatever they couldn't before. At first they wanted to...

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Tribal Legends - Breath of Darkness

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed Breath of Darkness ================== The Story of Earth A tribal legend by Aris,...

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Tribal Legends - The Water Wolves

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The Water Wolves ================ The Story of Water. A tribal legend by Aris,...

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Tribal Legends - Ash and Coal or Gaining the Mind.

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed Ash and Coal or Gaining the Mind. ================================= The Story of...

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Tribal Legends - The Mute Wolf

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The Mute Wolf ============= The Story of Word and Silence. A tribal legend by Aris,...

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## Werewolves ###### a humorous trailer. ### By Sharpfang'2004 Dedicated to: Marga FP - It's nice to have a fan. This story could be considered fan fiction of Terry Pratchett's the Discworld series Despite it looks like a part of something bigger...

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Another Fairy Tale

## Another Fairy Tale ###### a fantasy story. ### By Sharpfang'99 ### This story i dedicate to Hyper, who really wanted to have one for himself :) Another Fairy Tale ================== My story began a thousand years ago, or maybe longer. I was...

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Blackie - a dream

## Blackie ###### A dream. ### Sharpfang'98. ### Thanks for help going to Dogg and Lupus. Blackie ======= I was one of few survivors in the post-nuclear world. It was a long time after the war. The nature has recovered and was taking over...

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Song of prey

## Song of prey ###### a fantasy story. ### By Sharpfang'98 Disclaimer: =========== This story contains some (soft) m/m relations and some violence. so if you don't like it, don't read. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are...

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Skyline King

## Skyline King ###### a fantasy story ### by Sharpfang'98 ### This story i dedicate to those without whom, The Forest wouldn't be what is now: Kelly and Hunter _This story is a pure fiction. Although there is some similarity to certain RL...

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