Darkstalkers Character Contest Submission: Dieter and Schult

Character Name: Dieter Bonifaz (and Schultz the kitsune) Monster Type: Mad German Scientist who controls multiple Japanese yokai, or demonic spirits, including Schultz, a kitsune familiar he rides in battle. Fighting Style: Magic Spells,...

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Gene, the Genial, Substance Lovin' Sheepdog

Gene Alford Species: Briard Dog Age: 41 Height: 6' 3" Weight: 520lbs. Appearance: A big, burly mass of pert, jiggly muscle and long, shaggy fur, Gene has every reason to fancy himself a "muscle daddy". He's not as massive or...

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Meet the Studs: Joao, the Dark Wall of Dragon Meat

Name: Joao Ributski Species: Dragon of Darkness Age: Claims he doesn't know; most guess somewhere in his 40's or 50's Height: 8' 4" ft. Weight: 1532 lbs. Appearance: Standing at nearly nine feet tall, weighing in at barely...

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Meet the Studs: The Tiger who Blinds like the Sun

Name: Vergil Tigremure Species: Siberian Tiger Nagual Age: 24 Height: 7'8" Weight: 612 lbs. Appearance: In appearance at least, Vergil's what you'd expect a tiger that can just happen to bend a tank barrel into a ring what look like....

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Vivi, Da Hip-Heay, Defiantly Healthy Dhole(look it up)

Vivi Guardando In the niche of musclefurdom, big dogs(no relation to the laughable clothing brand) are easy to come by, and for good reason. Who doesn't drool at the thought of a strapping, young, ripped specimen with a long tongue and...

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The boy sifted through the tall, dense grass, searching for seeds in the dim twilight. He crawled through the underbrush, sweating from the sweltering summer heat. He slapped his cheek. Pesky mosquitoes. He came upon a particular patch of towering...

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