Chapter Three: Explained Extractions, Unknown Reasons (edit 2/13/2015)

A nurse brought a small meal for us, some sort of dense veggie mush near as I could tell. It was rather bland. She took care of getting us out of the hospital within a couple minutes after we finished eating. I was thankful someone had brought my...

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The Battle Of Spring Fawn Valley

_ **16 years before the return of Nightmare Moon...** _ "Think we ought to drop a lightningboom on em for a finale?" asked Captain Thunder Feather as she grinned. The team's captain, Major Nimble Nimbus, snorted before rolling her eyes, "You...

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Intro to the Wonderbolts Initiative & your Flight Magic Primer

We are the pegasi in the sky, our duty: To go where others cannot reach To defend against what others cannot fight To accomplish our mission when others cannot win To exemplify the definition of a pegasus warrior Forever watching over those...

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Make Us Proud (edit 7/8/2015)

_(Perspective shift to 3rd for this chapter)_ It was the fourth evening of the Royal Summit. The days were long and pretty dull, even though it was all really important stuff. Then Captain Spitfire had wanted to talk with Rainbow Dash after the big...

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Chapter Sixteen: Secret Reminders

(A/N: This chapter is from a third-person perspective. Usual 'in-head' approach continues next chapter.) She stared at the note with bemusement the only remaining response. The disbelief, incredulity, and even annoyance had all run their course and...

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Rising Effort - Prologue: Stars & Embers

**_Around 2000 years ago..._** "Sombra, I truly think you should wait." The group of four was standing beside the main doors of the Crystal Palace, saying their goodbyes. One of their number would soon depart and not return for some...

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