Argent Guardian: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 _Angels are the harbingers of death?!_ I woke up in my room, panting heavily. I looked up at the head of my bed, checking the clock. "Its 7:30 already?! I'm going to be late for school!" I said aloud, rushing out of bed and getting...

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Argent Guardian: Chapter 1

**All content offically belongs to me.** Hello everyone; I have been muling over this tale for quite some time; trying to get this thing right. I feel that I need encorurgement of those who like my story to help motivate me to finish it, I am a...

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Argent Guardian: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 _Bodyguard_ It was morning when I woke up; somehow in a bed. Sitting upright I looked out the window to see that we were in a town, thought I didn't recognize it; not surprising seeing as I had only left Florida once or twice....

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Argent Guardian: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 _Guardian?_ I shook the sleep out of my eyes, and discovered that I was on the ground; I must have rolled of the bed in my sleep. Noticing that I was still dressed in my suit, I stood up and looked around drowsily. I saw that the...

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