Monday Memos [song lyrics]

_Memo dated Monday, 9 AM To whom it may concern I'm the one who took back my life, Left the old one here to burn. I'm sorry for the mess I left, But it wasn't mine to start; Perhaps someone else can use the pieces That you'd stolen from my...


Michael's Path Preview

Michael looked upon the great mountain that lay below him. It was known as the Island Mount, Mt. Kijling and many other names besides. He knew it only as home. The Kingdom of Leon consisted of a hodgepodge of canid species. Foxes, Dogs, Jackals, and of...

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Lykos-Redemption Appendix i: The Brothers Dead or Alive? Who do they follow

**Lykos-Redemption** **/\/\/\Appendix i/\/\/\** The Brothers: Dead or Alive? Who Do They Follow? Coulter DarkClaw **...

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Lykos-Redemption Foreward

**Lykos-Redemption** Forward Coulter DarckClaw To My Brothers, those under their care, and to those who would do them harm, The world we live in a closer to legend than some want to admit. The following is an account of the origins of the kind...

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Lykos-Redemption Act II Ch. 1

**Lykos Redemption** **\\\\\ACT II//////////** Ch. 1: Serena Wird Voller Licht Sein The next week had gone by quickly. With Nyctimus being taken in as a physician's assistant he was busy nearly all day long and only was able to feel Apollo's...

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EftML: Appendix 1:

The Order of Hunters is the largest policeforce against the Lycanthropes. It is important to understand the culture of the organization that was once our enemy. However, now they are our policeforce. I have taken an excerpt from a guide to the Order...

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea

So let's see, we've covered some very interesting topics so far. Don't change in public; Don't Growl at an Authority figure; Avoid People during a change; and Avoid sports with humans. I've given you some stories that contain some very sound advice....

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.1: Don't Change in Public Places

Alright let me start off by saying that many of the people in these stories were my ex-mates. I have had an extremely active sex life seeing as I am a purebred who's line goes back to one of Lycaon's children. However we aren't here to talk about me...

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 10

21.11.13 So my parents decided it would be a good idea to celebrate American Thanksgiving. The difference being that we have a professional chef instead of my mom having to cook. You should have seen Nick's face when he saw the banquet which he was...

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 8

15.11.13 So today, Nikki and I took my father's plane to Germany. He got to see how crazy about Germany my father is. He's sleeping soundly again across from me in one of the La-Z-Boy chairs in the plane. My fiancé is curled up as much as he can and...

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The Volantis Corps-Ch4

"_Aber sie sind Kinder...Nein, ich werde Kinder nicht töten...Sie haben nichts böse getan, wenn Sie diese Kinder töten möchten, schossen Sie sie! Ich werde es nicht tun!...Nein Sie können nicht! Kommandant! Nein, bitte! 1"_ Josef shouts in his sleep,...

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 3

**Lykos Redemption** Ch. 3: Lýkos katá Lykánthropos Coulter DarkClaw Melaeneus and Nyctimus walked down the _drómo_ to the main gate in silence. Both Nyc and Mel deep in thought, they walked abreast. It was nice for Melaeneus to be able to not have...

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