The Nature of Warfare

**Nature of Warfare** **General/Overarching Characteristics and Customs** 1.) Their offensive martial technology levels are behind that of their other fields, and thus they are maybe 25-50 years ahead of us in that regard. IRL, we can and have...

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Terminology and Names

**Terminology and Names** **ABC (Aeronautics and Bombardment Command)** This is the Kantarian department that positions, directs during battles, resupplies, and generally oversees all of Kantaria's ground-based aircraft and most of its ground-based...

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

**The Road To War** Approximately 30 years before the sequence of events in 2012 which would lead to world war, Bengaria invaded and conquered Kantaria. I do not have a clear vision of any of those events, but I have determined the cause was...

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