Brood Father ch.7
_Yeah, it's been a while and I know it. Although I haven't abandoned anything yet, I will admit that I didn't actually plan on doing this particular story today. I've got another project that I'm working on with someone else, and just didn't have it in...
Brood Father ch.6
Well, this one took me longer than I wanted to write. I just couldn't find the modivation or drive to write it. I want to keep going, but it's becoming harder now. The little spurt of inspiration I had a few weeks back seems gone. But, I dunno. I get...
Brood Father ch.5
Here's the fifth chapter, and it looks like some tough shells are starting to crack too. Maybe there's more going on in Rhael's head then he lets on after all? * * * Charts, graphs, maps and calculations filled the terminal screen in front of...
Brood Father ch.4
Here's the fourth one. I'm not sure how well the pacing is doing for story now. Is it going along too quickly and lacking in enough detail? This is the one thing that I can't quite answer on my own. I already know (just about) everything, and the line...
Brood Father ch.3
I wasn't sure whether to include the following scene as part of this chapter, or split them up, but then decided it probably won't make much difference either way. This one's a little shorter than the previous one, but it should still be...
Brood Father ch.1
It's been a while since I've been able to submit much, going through a bit of a "conflict of learning," but after a bit of newfound planning and drafting I've finally managed to come up with _something_ that I wanted to do. Both the title and story...
Stellar Wayfarer: Six
And number six is here. I had a laugh with the first half of this one. Hopefully it didn't reflect as bad writing though. Same as before, do let me know what you with with comments. Tear it apart with critique, it'll be that much easier to try and...
Stellar Wayfarer: Three
Episode three in my sci-fi adventure story series. Following some advice, I tried to give more detail into what was happening and describe the surrondings a bit more. The first half of the story, being mostly charactor and dialog driven probably...
Stellar Wayfarer: Five
Part five, and this one I feel pretty good about. It was quite a bit more fun to do than the previous couple. They mostly just set up story for me to start with, but now things are starting to get into the world of _exciting space exploration...
Stellar Wayfarer: One
A little forward before getting this started. I've been working on this sci-fi space exploration story, and wanted to try to write it to a short list of specifications to aim for. First, I wanted to create a series of short stories that do follow...
Stellar Wayfarer: Four
Fourth part, with hopefully more physical detail. Somehow though, this one didn't write out the way I had in mind for it. I mean it's the story I had in mind, but something about it is a little off to me. Parts of it were just not as entertaining to...