Dragoon Chapter 1: Discovery

"Alright, today is the last day on the teat, today, you get to grow up, you get to have a job." The sergaent called out to us. I along many others took a long, deep breath. We had been living in this wall for the last 16 years or so, eating, breathing,...

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The Wets: Geophage

A geophage is a planetary desiese, as in the planet itself is sick. There were more than one geophage, all equally devistating, and word changing, however, the folowing will focus on what has become known as "The Wets." The Wets had started as...


Making furries a reality...

Preface So, this isn't a well researched scientific paper or anything, just some years of thought put into it, so if you are expecting a detailed explanation of the precise methodology and diagrams, you are looking in the wrong place. This is a...