Souls of the sands cancelled
Sorry if you guys liked this series but a few things have come up, first the inspiration for volieta approached me and came out. And I myself, garret, have also become a little more secure about being gay so, yea.
Slate wipe
Hey guys, Ive decided to re-wind the story and start with the origin of the main charicter, thanks for the feedback and please continue to read, I should have the new first chapter once I get hooked up in Iowa, say, the 26th at best.
Souls of the Sands- chapter 1- Past is Past
My eyes met hers repeatedly "two weeks left of school, don't do anything dumb" I thought, meeting her eyes but in truth I wanted to do something really dumb, I had full intention of kissing her. That day droned on and on strength and conditioning,...
The Troubled: Chapter 1 Building Up
"Do we have anything sheet metal to repair the roof?" [Garrett] "Only 40 square feet, how much do you need?" [Hana] "About 5, just enough to cover the leak above the garage." "Wait, you know where it is." "Of course I do." "Then why'd you...
The Troubled Prolouge
The hideout was modest, I had to admit that, it was an old garage in the Chicago industrial district. At one time it must have been some sort of repair shop, it had a random assortment of tools and rusty old parts. It was a two stories with a shallow...