Untold Mysteries: 3
"My God. I feel like I'm swimming in blood. That was a _feast_." I slowly open one eye to gaze at Jedrek, _'That's what happens when you go without food for a long time. And when you have Whitetail buck. They're extremely filling.'_ _'And fattening....
Untold Mysteries: 2
"Are you sure this is okay Ky? Shouldn't we wait?" "No Jed, night hunting is best. Let me go get Tiergan." Jed grabs my wrist, "Do you have to? I feel embarrassed doing this." "Jed, an Alpha never runs anywhere alone. I'd be insane not to bring...
Untold Mysteries: 1
I love the smell of cold. It's fresh, clean. Pure, like the whitest snow on the tops of mountains. It's the scent that envelops me after I turn off the steaming hot of the shower. My skin smells like Irish Spring, my hair just smells damp, although...