An Ode to Snakes! (A slightly Surreal Poem)

Snakes are better Than Saigas or Snails Better than Foxes, Servals or Whales! Better than Lichen, better than moss Better than W.A.S.P or David Lee Roth! They slither and writhe On their bellies you see The best mode of transport This side...

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The Caravan moved slowly through the rain soaked landscape. The wide, unpaved road had a fine layer of mud on it as the rain poured down. The horse and the Reptilian mount that pulled the caravan were wearing large wax cotton coats to keep the rain...

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Seventh Chapter! Wooo! Have fun with it and don't read if you are under 18! All characters, place names and pretty much every thing in this story is copyrighted to me! No stealy! you steal, I will find you and break you like a twig. ...

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Into the Killzone

Roight...Apparantly the second and first parts of this series (Humans suck.) were too slow and not descriptive enough. here is the third (but by no means last) part of it which I hope is to your liking. All those who have played Killzone might...

Losing an ally

This story is the fourth part of the "Yslien's Lover" Story series. Okay, So this chapter is shorter than the last, but meh, more to come soon I hope! ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ The rain poured down hard...very very...

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