History of The Game

After the call for morph extermination was repealed in America, the morph creation and breeding companies that had existed before the ban, attempted to recover and redevelop their market. In doing so, they created morphs intended to dominate in...

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The Rabbit Rules

**The Rabbit Rules** as excerpted from a letter by Walter Elliot 1 ¹Rabbits are the greatest species. ²Rabbits do not need violence to achieve their goals. ³Rabbits succeed with intelligence, hard work and determination. ?The world will be saved...

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False Peace

**False Peace** The shift in power in America in 41m brought an official end to the war, but minor skirmishes continued. The American president had tried to use the same soldiers that were killing and destroying to instead help rebuild, but tensions...

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**Afterword** I hope you can forgive me this confession. Anika Greenhill never existed. She was a creation based on hundreds of interviews of survivors, combined to give you, the reader, a connection to the events. I wish to thank everyone that...

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Final Strike

**Final Strike** In 109m balance shifted in America and the struggle for morph freedom was set back once more. Rights were stripped and slave owners resumed forced breeding. On November 11, 111m, a brutal virus was released during a World Morph...

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Stark Change

**Stark Change** The American people did not like having war touch home and used the elections of 60m to change nearly all and shift power again. This led to an immediate recall of troops in the first hour of their terms and sudden quiet across the...

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Another Flare-up

**Another Flare-up** The financial troubles of America trying to apologize to the world led to the election of a president that promised to fix the economy. Instead he restarted the war against morphs, claiming they were the root of the economic...

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**Rest** With a new shift of power in 45m, America pulled all US troops from foreign soils, lifted the ban on morph creation and attempted to repair their relations with the rest of the world. During this time morph slavery became a thriving...

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**War** Japan's announcement in October of 36m of the creation of their ten millionth morph, and the estimated total world population of morphs at that time being over twenty million and growing fast every day, fueled the election of an American...

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**Youth** While life was getting harder for morphs in America, the growing population in Western Australia made many things better. With so many children being born, more schools were needed and the multitude of scientists in the area, the quality of...

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**Beginnings** Anika was born naturally May 4, 20m to Cherika Greenhill and Yojat Brownhill. They were both created spotted hyena morphs, making Anika second generation and proudly the first natural birth in her line. They were not the first hyenas...

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**Introduction** Morphs have endured over a hundred years since their original creation, but not without strife. The three major wars could be considered a single campaign, since they were rooted in the same cause, but the time between the...

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