Saerus Makeout (Parsers) [Warmup]

You slowly slink up to your husband as he looks toward you with a warm grin. Saerus seems much more comfortable around you, not even bothering to shy away from your advances. [Player height \<=5' You signal for him to lie down so you can...

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Strength of a New Guardian

Dune yawns as he wakes up, breathing in the fresh morning air from within his cot as the rays of sunlight pour into his room. It's quiet out here in the outskirts of his village. Nobody depends on him. Still, he shares a place with the life around,...

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Quarrel (Spoilers)

Zenji is for a game and I really liked the way this scene turned out, so here's just a snippet (The scene is a bit of a wip and may change when the content is released). This is for a larger event involving Zenji, this is a requirement for something...

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An Ounce of Hope

You ask Siegweird if he's willing to talk about himself Siegweird gives a bashful smile, "If you insist, I suppose I can talk a little more about myself since you seem so keen on listening to my unbearable chatter." He takes a deep breath,...

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Advancing the Prototype

**Initializing.** **OperatingSystem/Boot.Status();** **T!Day/PostOperativeDeparture 37992** **Charge:** **-Battery-89%;** **doNext** **Running Weekly Fluid check;** **Integrity.Status();** _Scanning..._ **No Issues...

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