Sonic Waves (Espio 1)- Lotus

Tarnished blades sheathed in dust covered remnant glory. A warrior on a path far from home disbanded from his clan , his team, his purpose. In search of a place to call his own , or glorious battle to reclaim dead flames of a past life. I am that...

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im sorry ive been away

To all of my readers i want to say sorry for my vanishing right after my last return. unfortunately I've come under financial trouble from an injury that put me in the hospital for a while , it wasn't anything too serious in the long term and im...


Q&A 1

I've gotten a few questions about my stories lately and I thought I might answer the one that I feel I've heard most frequently. Most of my stories are in the same universe as one another. There are 4 main universe's that I have created. The...

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Midway pt. 9 Fathers Unknown

I traveled to the embassy. It was a long ride on horseback that nearly took till sundown to clear. The building was unlike anything else in the city, it went below ground rather than above. My first steps were into shadows as I followed a narrow set of...

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A Tails Tale pt 9_ Chech's Out

Before Eggman I wasn't much of a law abiding citizen , I was a thief. I could steal anything wallets, gems, hearts. I started as a street thief picking pockets just to get by until I met this one hedgehog. I forget his name , he was green, had this...

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Pin and Paper Ep.1 ch.1

It all started off so simple. I had no idea what was going on until it was too late , and by then I had lost control. I'm what some might call a starving artist, I get by off of the money I make from my day job as a cashier. It was my 26th birthday and...

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Midway pt. 3 Peace Be Hollow

We returned to the party in time to catch the final speeches. No one seemed to have noticed the three royals they were giving speeches for were not present , but my brother made it hard not to be noticed as we walked in and he was covered in the scents...

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