Are You the Zombie King?
If you are then you should answer these few questions to help with a furry project of mine. Q1. Whats your fav. part in a Zombie movie? Q2. Do you like the... A) traveling type of movie, when the surivivers move from place to place in a vehicle....
Faith Reborn- Chapter Three- The New Bass Guitarest
Chapter Three, Jason grumbled a good morning to the sun, greeting it with a yawn with a smile as he relaxed for a moment till the elevator stopped at the third stop. The lite number '3' as the metal doors swished open. He soon after the exit was...
Faith Reborn- Chapter Two- What to do About you
Chapter Two, What to do About you- ' Dear self, I don't know whats in store, or why, but what I do know is- sometimes,life sucks The humming for the the northern and west wall freezers, all holding beverages was the only sound which drifted...