Pearls By Phantomgraph o==~---------==/^\==---------~==0 Trantor stood on the starboard deck of the ship, one hoof firmly planted on the railing, the other on the wooden deck. The wind blew throughout his mane, tangling it into a...
The Legend of Esile Ruf
The Legend of Esile Ruf. by Phantomgraph o==~---------==/^==---------~==o Alexi Marantz sighed deeply and rubbed his eye ridges before leaning back in his chair. It was already late and the tiredness of his body called him to his...
Flight of the Fallen Angel
Flight of the Fallen Angel 0=--=^=--=0 By Phantomgraph Sarayaki Silvermane 'Sar' (c) Ken Price Falcor Riverdance 'Falc' (c) the author AraKaraath Half Dragon (c) Ara Maus 2D Woof 'Aneirin' (c) Ara's Mate Rekk (c) Rekk......