Forced Entry (SFW Vers, Commission)
Soft snores came from Rybecca's slightly parted maw as she slept, none of the anxiety and stress that plagued her during the day apparent on her face. She had gotten home from a stressful day at work and crashed, making a quick cucumber salad and...
OUTLINE: The prologue will see us at the final day of celebration before the first launching of colonial sattelites towards into space, huge crowds gathering to watch as the hundreds of stations prepared to...
Musk III- Thunder!
After a few minutes, the first crashings of thunder could be heard outside, lightning slashing its jagged path through the sky, leaving a bloody trail of yellow ooze and blue sparks, making the two of them jump a little bit, startling into each other's...
Musk II- A continuation
"You're stuck," James pointed out with a deadpan tone, giving Percy's head a couple of rubs. Percy grunted a bit and tried to wiggle out, trying to snake himself out of the trap he'd wiggled into, but he was, indeed,...
Musk- A Sketch
"C'mon Percy, again?" snarked the Bernese next to him, holding back a grin at his husky's frustrated grimace. On the bottom of the splitscreen in front of them, Percy's avatar was gone, blocks...
Remember (A Short Poem)
REMEMBER When we apologised more than we kissed? When your arms were my final cradle, my deathbed? When you coaxed me back to life, and I hated you for it? When I said I love you That one night And I meant it with all my heart? I don't know if I...
James' Birthday (Ch. 1)
It had been a lot harder than Percy had expected to grab neon green party supplies. Apparently every party store within ten miles of him and James' apartment eirher didn't carry them or was out, and once he did find them he felt like a pup again,...
Poll/ Channel Update
Hey everyone! Wanted to see what kind of content you guys would like to see coming, also just give a little update as to what's in the works right now. So, can you comment below what you would like to see? I'm really wanting to write some more...
Cuddles to Go
Percy and James' singing bounced off the walls of their busted up old sedan as it idled in the drive-through at a local sandwich shop, their deharmonised vocals in tones that would sound off to anyone else but which were perfect to them. They were...
Allllrighty! Here's a little oneshot that has absolutely zero plot... Enjoy the warm vibes :v (also this one's really lazy hgjgknjgddn) ## Sip! James lifted the cup to his lips as slow as he could, the purple ceramic of the mug glimmering in the...
Together at Last
Percy looked at the window of the plane he flew on, watching the clouds and the way the sun shone above them, light reflecting off of their shimmery surface and almost blinding him. His leg bounced as he stared, almost in a dream. On the other...
A Warm Bowl of Soup
A fire purred lightly in the corner of James' living room, its soft light doing little to brighten the room's darkness. Heavy shadows seemed to press in from the windows, deep grey storm clouds dropping the heavy blanket of night into the space. James...