Battle In Athens Sequel Teaser

This is a teaser for a sequel to my story Battle In Athens, that I have begun writing. Tell me what I am doing both right and wrong so that I know what to fix. Scott is still in this story, but he is now a Corporal, and leading a small squad of Marines...

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I've uploaded this story before, but the first time it was in parts, so as a result it was difficult to read. So I've done a favor to my extremely small fan base and am posting the story in one part. It follows the story of Scott, who has been sent to...

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 3

Major Rashid listened in shock as an aide conveyed the situation to him. An unknown number of Israeli soldiers were attacking Border Post 11 with sniper fire and rifle launched grenades, at least one Lebanese soldier was dead already. Major...

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Death In The Holy Land: PROLOGUE

12:19 A.M. Aman (Israeli Military Intelligence Headquarters) General Ahriel was worried, and made that clear to the rest of his staff by displaying a large map of Lebanon on the front wall of the conference room as soon as everyone had arrived....

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Nuclear War

Walking through what had been a city up until mere hours ago, I looked through the faceplate of my suit and gazed upon the destruction, thinking of the immense energy the nuclear weapon must have had to release to sweep the city away. A few...

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 2

Kovak watched with grim satisfaction as the red dot in the center of his scope locked on to the Lebanese soldiers' chest. The Tavor assault rifle was light and although the scope offered a slightly limited view of the battlefield , Kovak liked the...

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Assassin: Part 2

I took one last look at the bloody water that my leg was submerged in and started to move for the door. That was a mistake. I set my paw in a small pool of blood and slipped, the towel tearing off of my leg and sending a fresh gout of blood onto the...

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Assassin: Part 1

"Well. It seems that you walked right into my line of fire, how exactly could I have not shot you?" I looked up, trying to ignore the burning pain that was spiking through my calf where Q's .303 bullet had pierced my flesh and torn most of my calf...

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THE FRONT: PART 12 (Last Part)

It was time, the raid was upon them, and Scott felt fear run through him even though he wasn't even going. He could only imagine what the participants were feeling. Wynter patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't miss me, just try to survive."...

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Nightfall came early in Passchendaele, the sky was overcast and light fled much earlier as a result. Scott sat on the steps of an unoccupied parapet, feeling an intense sensation of sorrow go through him. He looked over at the stripes pinned to his...

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The rain continued, pouring down in a seemingly endless shower. It was cold and even Scott's thick fur wasnt doing much to help keep him warm. He was worried, he didn't want Wynter to die, if he did then he would become a sergeant, and Scott dreaded...

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Scott walked briskly through the mud, his paws stained with Private Martin's blood. He had caught up with the two anthros carrying Private Martin and had taken his legs, making the dead anthro considerably easier to carry. "Corporal, we need to see...

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