Send Moon Pics!!! - A Werewolf Short
Ba-Ding! Wh-what? My phone's all lit up. I roll over and pick it up. One new text. It's 4AM, who the fuck is texting me now. I look in the messages. Unknown number, one message: "Send moon pics!!" ...what? I reply. "Can't your ass see...
The Hadfield Robbery
The date was the 20th of August 1998. Manchester Piccadilly railway station sat in near perfect silence. The sky was still dark and all that could be heard was the sound of mechanical clocks, a dull buzz from the lethal electrical cables dangling from...
The Fate of Frank Wright
I awoke to find myself on a riverbank. It was comfortable, the grass was soft, but I ached all over. I must have been out having a good time. I staggered to my feet and looked down at my figure. Was this my suit? "Was" being the optimum term. There...
A Sweet October Night
Thomas stirred in bed. It looked like another uneasy night. The banging from the plumbing had gotten worse day on day with no end in sight. It wasn't a problem during the day, but at night the temperature would dwindle and the pipes would start to...
Ride of a Lifetime
Lukas slicked back his mullet with the water from the basin and looked at himself in the mirror. The possum gave himself a final check over, noting his two rear teeth which poked out around the top of his muzzle, the holes in his ear lobes where his...