OSAT CH3: Contracts of a Child
Sirens, lured in crowds of all ages and genders, races and backgrounds. Everyone looked on to see what tragedy, what mishap had befallen another careless waste of blood. Seeing if yet another asshole got what he deserved, no one ever thinking...
Chapter 2: Edited.
A small lop-eared lapin eyed the bustling streets carefully, her eyes darting to any, and all, sudden movements. Her eyes focusing generally around thighs and tails. She was searching for someone small, perhaps the size of a child, and upon her...
Orange Soda Acid Trip: Chapter one. The Boy murderer.
The lights from outside filled the small white box as they shined on in the cold autumn night. The boy sat there, covered in soot and ash, his face expressionless and lost. What had happened he would not remember for years, what he had done...